If you're wondering what canicross is then you're not alone.  This is one of the fastest growing sports that one can do with their dog.  It derives from the sport of dog mushing but you are working as a team with Fido.  It's very much a team effort.  While you can certainly participate and just run with your dog the idea behind canicross is that the dog is actually pulling you while you are running.  This sport has gained a lot of popularity across Europe and is gaining popularity here in United States and Canada.  The only thing required is a dog harness, gangline, and canicross belt.  This first race we will not require you have the proper equipment as long as your dog is leashed.  If you have a hard pulling dog you may want to consider a proper pulling harness and belt.  

We want this to be a fun experience for both you and your pet so we encourage you to come out and try out this sport.  This will have its own event so you can participate against other human/dog teams. While it can be competitive we just want everyone to have fun, no matter what level you or your pup are. If you really want to challenge yourself you can do the canicross race with fido first and then the regular trail run after—or vice versa!


for Canicross:

Pre-post run or walk, all dogs must be on a short leash. Dogs must be under control around other dogs, runners & walkers.  Owners, please be aware of children approaching your dog.  Clean up after your dog.  No dogs inside buildings.  We want this to be a fun, safe event for everyone and every dog.

We now have a web site dedicated specifically for 

Need Canicross equipment or running dog equipment? 

We are stocking partners for:

Howling Dog Alaska                         Non-Stop Dog Wear                            Kurgo

These products will be available online and at our Kenosha location.

Questions?  Please contact 262-925-0300 or e-mail kenosharunningcompany@gmail.com

If participating in any of the XCThrillogy Canicross or Dog-Friendly events and registering by mail, the "Canicross Waiver" forms above need to be completed and mailed along with your event entry form.

Canicross Products.  

We proudly fit your

dog properly with the right running gear...

stop on in at

1706 - 22nd Ave., Kenosha, WI with your dog.

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