I acknowledge that in bringing my pet to participate in XCThrillogy, CaniCross USA, and/or Kenosha Running Company partner events I am doing so at my sole risk. Any cost and expense and any harm that may come to the animal(s) shall be my sole responsibility; and in attending an XCThrillogy, CaniCross USA, and or Kenosha Running Company partner event with my pet(s), should any injury occur to any person, another animal, or property as a result of the behavior of my animal(s), whether expected or unexpected, regardless of the stimulus for the behavior (pets spontaneous conduct, the conduct of another animal, the conduct of any person or thing, or any combination therein) I will be solely liable and held responsible for any injury, or property damage that results from my participation (including any attorney fees) and that neither I and any other person or entity with a legal claim on the said animal: 1) will indemnify, hold harmless; 2) protect and defend the Sponsors in any such claim resulting from said incident to said animal. Further, I and any other person or entity with a legal claim on the said animal will further exempt Kenosha Running Company; and its sponsors for any and all claims of damages and liability from injury, property damage, loss, claim or expense resulting from the behavior of my animal; to report any and all such injuries or incidents to XCThrillogy, CaniCross USA, and/or the Kenosha Running Company.
I also certify or understand that...